Friday, June 10, 2005

Stealing Summer

Its Friday, the week is done and the sun is shining and I find myself looking out the window daydreaming. I sigh and return to my “to do” list.
· Clean bathrooms
· Laundry
· Grocery shop
· Balance checkbook
· Hang Pictures
· Clean closet
The mundane list of duties may justify why I have procrastinated and not pounced on them sooner but it doesn’t get them done. But then a sudden thought dawns on me. It’s summer!
A quick glance over my list confirms that my list though noble will keep me from enjoying the few sweet months of joy we get. I understand that being a grown-up means I need to take responsibility for my life but if I am a grown up doesn’t that mean I have a little say over my life? Since I am a grown-up now and my list confirms my worst suspicions, then I am going to make sure I make a new “to do” list.
· Lay on the grass and find animals in the clouds
· Play tennis
· Go out for ice cream
· Get grass-stains
· Get sun-burned
· Paint my toe-nails
· Wonder at God’s creation

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