Friday, February 24, 2006

The power of prayer

I have been blessed recently by an amazing group of mothers who have dedicated time each day to lift up our husbands and our families in prayer. They have taught me so much even in this short time, and although we are all across the country the down to earth conversations seem like they could be over the back fence. As a new wife about to be a mom, this neighborly wisedom is my lifeline. Thank heavens for the internet.

Except when it turns on you, like today and this close to labor I don't want to cause anyone alarm. We're still here (or the lack thereof) thanks for understanding.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Amen and ditto! I cannot imagine not having this group, you girls are so precious to me.

Sarah Kay--Only a couple of more days! I am anxiously waiting for the big news and for lots of pictures.



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