Friday, March 26, 2010

Let The Little Children Come Unto Me. . .

Recently, I got grumpy with Sassy. Simply being kid she delights in EVERY little bit of life around her. Flowers, bugs, her toes, it doesn't really matter these days. She LOVES life and can't wait to inspect it thoroughly! I was running late as usual so my patience was wearing thin. Innocently, she started singing.

"And Jesus grew, in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men." (Luke 2:52)

The little ditty stopped me in my tracks. Without saying anything, Sophia , and the Lord, (by way of this little scripture verse) reminded me she's barely four! She deserves my patience and grace. After all, even Jesus was a little kid once!

Auntie Minga, blessed us with these Bible verse cd's on our trip to Dallas and they've melted my heart almost everyday. Sophia LOVES music and quickly puts things to memory. But hearing her BELT Bible verses makes me smile and thank God almost every morning. I've even caught Nate and I singing them! Thanks Minga! We just had to share!


Anonymous said...

Aww, too cute, they do deserve our patience but sometimes it's oh so hard to give it.

Corine Moore said...

COOL! :) "Out of the mouth of babes." We can sure learn a lot from thos little ones!

Annika said...

I'll have to check these out. I love teaching my kids songs that come from Bible verses...good to get them in their little minds! :)

Katie said...

Oh!!! I need to get those. That is really sweet, SK.

Anonymous said...

hey sister! thanks for your post- very kind of you and glad you like the CD. Yes, I still sing the songs today--- thanks again- your sister you loves you.
Minga Grace


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