Friday, March 19, 2010

Traveling Times

Audio books will always be my first love. They instantly take me back to story time as a kid, or hearing my mother read The Chronicles of Narnia. A story is a magical experience especially with a human voice giving it life.

When Pieces of Glass came out in a Kindle edition I decided to educate myself on the trend. I'm especially pleased by the work of Worldreader who's experimenting with Kindle's in the developing world! Brilliant!

I'll always be an avid collector of paper copy, the touch, the feel. Surrounding yourself in a library is like sitting with old friends with new adventure a page turn away.
As a traveler though, e-readers solve the classic dilemma of how many books can I fit in one suitcase? I'm all for anything that gets more people reading more books and that makes me pro e-reader in whatever version you prefer. Don't take my word for it. Here's a few trends you might find interesting:
For the true tech family--check these out too!
Iphone apps to get kids reading!

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