Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fibro Freedom

Right now Sophia & I are crazy about charts! Sophia's(and mommy & daddy) working on sleeping all by herself in her big girl bed. She's earned a pair of roller skates & a little mermaid doll. (10 stickers) It's revealed to Nate & I a very driven little girl. She loves having a plan and working toward a goal! Were trying to capitalize on this virtue and coming up with other things for her to work-on.

Living with fibromyalgia I've come to realize that I can either hurt just because, or I can hurt because I've got a good workout. Plus, it really helps my energy and clearness of thought.
So mommy has her own chart. It doesn't have stickers on it but I do get a little thrill out of crossing off that workout EVERYDAY (well that's the goal at least) Currently Sassy's been one of my swim coaches! She has added pink swim goggles to her great little pink number. Flippers, goggles, pink swim suit. She's my little inspiration.

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