Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Early Holiday Observations

Early holiday observations:

The only gift to get a man MUST be a Remington razor or Old Spice, this time of year it’s the only commercial on the air.

Commercials with doorbells should be banned. Dog owners of the world unite! The best way to get my dog into frenzy is for a fake doorbell, then she is as fierce as a bulldog (in reality she is an 7 lb Yorkie)

Holiday break means all the college kids come home and snag all the great spots at the coffee shops or they sit right next to you while your writing giggling, complaining about their roommates that never take out the trash. The worse part is trying to write something coherent when all you can hear over your shoulder is giggle, giggle, LIKE, I was SO mad and like, giggle, so I am sure, giggle, giggle, I can just imagine, Right? I mean, um yeah, giggle, giggle, I’m like HELLO shouldn’t there be flashing lights or something! Its so frightening to listen to b/c I am sure I must have sounded just like that, no never, I am sure I was to busy discussing Anthropological realities of the Dinka people right!?! Well now anyone who went to college with me knows I am lying.

Coffee definitely tastes better when it’s cold outside.

Christmas lights make you brave and warm against the constant darkness.

The thought of sending Christmas cards absolutely terrifies me.

Even though I swear I won’t go shopping on Black Friday I am being continually tempted by the deals I am hearing about.

No matter how many times I clean my kitchen this time of year I always seem to mess it up in the same day, I guess that’s what happens when your trying to bake like mom did.

On that note! I had no idea how many ingredients are needed to cook like mom! Shortening, baking soda, ground cloves, cornstarch my gracious!

1 comment:

Katie said...

so cute- worth sharing! ;)


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