This was harder than weaning and potty training combined, well harder on me. Going to sleep, Sophia would make these sweet little purs of contentment and rub her blankie between her fingers. It was so easy to comfort her and get her into bedtime routine. You could always tell when she was asleep to because she sounded just like Maggie from the Simpsons. It didn't help that Nana's a dental hygienist and kept noticing her smile was changing ever so slightly.
As her birthday approached we began talking about giving her paci to Baby Connor, we even found a big girl comforter for when she went to bed without the paci. Admittedly, it hasn't been easy for Sophia either, she's a little out of sorts and trying to find new ways to soothe herself. Thankfully, anytime she asks for a paci we remind her she gave it to Baby Connor. This seems to satisfy her for the moment. Her smile is already starting to look normal, amazing. Now we're potty trained and living without the paci, my little girl is all grown-up!
Luke is also becoming a paci addict! I know we will have to deal with the weaning proces someday, too, but for now, it is helping everyone sleep well. Plus I think it's adorable! We will lean on you for support when our time comes...
Dear SK,
THANK YOU! This is the VERY reason I took away Abigail's at 11 months! It made me cringe to see 2 year olds and older in the mall with a paci and I swore not to do it. My pediatrician says that if you read the baby books carefully they actually tell you that you should take them away at 5 months or you will have one does that though. Anyways, at least it was a paci and not the thumb. EEEEEWWWWW! I cant stand the thumb thing, I mean I am a germaphob and when I see kids in my class come in from outside or from the potty and pop their thumbs in their mouths I go nuts! So i would much rather fight with a paci. Congrats Soph, you did it :)
Thanks for your support!
In my defense! For the last year we've only had the pacifier at nap time and night time! But I know we''ve trained her very well! It was SO nice to have some type of routine no matter where we went.
It broke my heart when she wanted to put her blankie away! Thankfully, for mom, she got a lovely princess blanket for her birthday and so likes to sleep with it.
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