Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Natural Instincts

I heard a story from a very wise woman this morning and it has stuck with me. According to the story, a farmer found an abandon goose nest in the woods and rescued three unattended eggs. The farmer placed the eggs with his chickens and the birds grew right along side the rest of his barnyard menagerie. Months went by and the farmer had grown attached to his new little flock. The inevitable change of season’s brought a chill to the air and the sight of soaring geese brought excitement and nervousness to the fledglings. It became apparent to the farmer that his flock was preparing to soar in the natural course of things and yet he was unprepared to loose them. He devised a plan and began to overfeed his adolescent geese. Just like he’d hoped as he indulged them so they became content and in time complacent. Soon the young geese had settled in for the long winter and showed no interest in leaving their happy home.

The moral of the story is to really soar we have to be hungry. The story strikes me so because often when I am at my most hungry, or needy, or frustrated or lonely, I often feel abandoned by God and wonder why He has left me to suffer so? Now I see how many amazing things have been accomplished because I was hungry and driven to new heights by His gracious hand.

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