Okay, I have a confession, I think I created a monster. Ever so subtly Nate has become addicted to TV shows about home makeovers particularly any type of real estate “flip” or gutting of a home to resell for profit. (big profit in some cases) I have suffered from a full-blown addiction since the first “Trading Spaces” marathon. In my old apartment I used to pull my little TV into which ever room I was in the process of remodeling. So you can imagine my surprise when my I hear my husband’s voice come out of the office saying,
“Honey, what channel is HGTV?”
Here is the background to Nate’s demise. A little less than one year ago Nate came home from a weekend away to find his entire room gutted (well it didn’t take much gutting if you count removing the mattress on the floor and the heap of laundry) and restyled for a little under $175 ($50 of that was ply wood for a makeshift bed)
A birthday present with original African art, new paint, and several consignment and garage sale finds went in to making Nate a place to call his own. As the story goes he was so impressed he went down on one knee and proposed on the spot. (I think that means he liked it.)
Our story continues in a brand new three bedroom, two story, town house, that Nate moved into this March with little more than a sleeping bag and a dorm fridge. Now six months later the place is starting to feel like home. Recovering from our April wedding has slowed down any grand design we had for an early make-over and these past few weeks have had me on the couch gorging myself on design shows for inspiration. I absolutely LOVE making a house into a home, full or unique ideas that represent life and inspiration. But I have to admit with very little time and budget our three bathroom, three bedroom home seemed a little daunting.
In came Nate, it only took a couple of “before” and “after” shots for him to realize how much difference a coat of paint and a little style could make in a living situation.
Friday night I saw a look in his eyes that I hadn’t scene before. He was determined to make-over at least one room in the house, tomorrow. I don’t need much motivation but Nate’s hungry look made me laugh.
“Alright babe, are you ready to do this?” I asked. Having a little idea of what we were getting into. With gusto we cleaned out the room we had designated an office and stripped it of its hardware Friday night preparing it for paint. Not wanting to waste time picking colors we snatched some left over paint from my parents.
Saturday morning Nate’s enthusiasm was wearing thin at 8am when I nudged him for an early morning of garage sale-ing. Well the early-bird didn’t get the worm, or much else for that matter, but we did have a blast, rain and all. We learned all about "garage sale etiquette" from a lady who ranted and raved about the car that was parked in the drive-way by some uncouth garage saler (we didn't dare point out the handicap sticker on the car but were certain we were going to see a garage sale brawl.)
At the end of the weekend we have a new entertainment center in our living room that resembles a Lewis Wardrobe (to go with our free TV, we’ll take anything!) a couple of new garage sale lamps that bring much needed warmth, a visit to mom’s house added some décor cast-offs and half painted office were what we had to show for our labors. The fun part is seeing our house turn into a home and the adventure of doing it together. When your try to make a classy room out of nothing, it is definitely and adventure! I have a partner in crime who simply follows me around, power tools in hand, encouraging my inspiration! Who can ask for anything more!