Monday, September 20, 2010

The Lost Art of Commitment

August Op-ed from Chuck Colson, Western perspective on suffering in ministry and an fascinating book review on marriage all seem to repeat one theme this afternoon--Commitment demands dying to self-interest. None of it sounds very romantic, it does sound honest and filled with truth. Five and a half years of marriage--romance is taking on new dimensions.

1 comment:

anne said...

amen and amen. If you really think about it the divorce rate in this country is so high because people want it all {for themselves} and keep trying to find THEIR own happiness and joy through and in someone else...well newsflash, everyone is a sinner and will disappoint. True Happiness is in Christ alone.
That Tripp book is GREAT, another goodie I'd recommend...
Sacred Heart by Gary Thomas.
One of the best!


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