Monday, September 11, 2006

In our own special way. . .

I have an understanding with Sept. 11th. Every year I turn off the TV, radio, any type of media and I remember the day, and all those whose lives were altered, in my own private way. Today is always a difficult personal anniversary for me, and so I was especially moved when I received a note from my publisher that they had chosen something from my little bit of literature for their daily inspirational e-mail that goes out to 6,800 voluntary subscribers. That's what it's all about right-simply sharing our pain for other's encouragement and God's glory. Suddenly today doesn't seem so lonely.

promises. everyday. Zondervan® Daily Inspiration

"God never claimed that his children would not face evil or death. In fact, this chapter [Psalm 23] almost verifies their inevitability. But death is tucked between two great promises. The Psalm begins with God's gentleness to nurture and discipline, promised in the first few verses. That's followed by testament to his unwavering presence and guiding strength in times of great pain. But the final words remind us that in the end, our cup will again overflow with goodness. "Post a Comment...
From Pieces of Glass: A Moment of Tragedy, a Lifetime of Faith
by Sarah Kay

from zondervan. everyday.


The Durbin Family said...

I thought about you a lot yesterday; sorry I missed your call. I do remember Sept 11 not only for what it meant for our country, but what it meant for you--I remember that fall day, your special day, that mixture of tragedy and unbelief, and the excitement and joy over your news. Eric remembers too...we talked about it yesterday. We love you!

Linda D said...

I did indeed finish the book, I think right after I talked to you, actually. Hope the day was spend in the arms of love! Love you!


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