Friday, April 07, 2006

One Month Old

On Monday-I came upstairs to hear Nate giving Sophia
her one-month interview. According to him Sophia's
greatest suprise in leaving the womb was the lack of a
constant food supply.
Her greatest dissapointment was that daddies can't
nurse--it would make everything so much easier (ohkay so I
added that)
Of course we both think she's beautiful--but when other
people gush I am already worried that her looks will
become too important (I know, I know, she's only a baby)
I can't help it-when someone says she's pretty I keep thinking--
She is also sweet, and smart, and dogonit Jesus loves her! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

The Durbin Family said...

SO sweet!! It's neat to see her smiling...I don't think she was smiling when we were there? Isn't it amazing what can change in just two weeks?? :) Well, I think she's really beautiful, but for your sake, I'll add that she looks really intelligent and classy, too. :) I'll try to get those shower pics to you soon.


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