Thursday, October 06, 2005

Unexpected Inspiration

I am in the final hours of my manuscript and I am in desperate need of inspiration.
Stumped and frustrated I flipped on the tv, something I avoid like the plague when I am in writing mode, so feeling defeated but I immediately was glued to a show on HBO. It was a real life story about teenagers who were in drunk driving accidents, however it was all about brain injury accident victims.
Just as background for anyone who doesn’t know, I am writing a book about loosing my former fiancĂ© to a brain injury about four years ago. I was stunned, so many of these young people do have permanent damage but their experience was so different than ours. Before Jared I knew nothing about brain injuries, but the more I learn the more angry I get. Seeing other people recover, it’s amazing, I have never seen that before. I am really angry especially because some of these kids have gone back to drinking! I see how lucky they are and I understand that even though they are frustrated they can WALK and TALK and most are returning to a normal life. To this day Jared needs round the clock care, he was completely non-responsive for two years, today he is blind and unable to talk but with wonderful therapy he is able to sign some communications although its sometimes difficult to gauge how much he understands conceptually. Jared’s personality shows through and I am thankful that he can live at home and still receive care. I still get angry because I feel we were filled with false hope but I can’t blame anyone for believing in Jared. Today I was reminded of so many emotions I’d forgotten and I hope I can write something that will minister to others who feel lost.


Katie said...

I know you will! I can't wait to read it!

Rebecca said...

Hello Friend of a Friend! (wink wink) Late but heartfelt congratulations on your expectant blessing! (I was doing some blog perusing)

Anonymous said...

how did the final draft end up? Have not heard from you in awhile! Whatever happend to your happily ever after blog too? I take it this is your new one!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah Kay, your blog is informative. While out blog surfing today for specific info on shaker furniture wood working plans, I ended up on your page. Your Unexpected Inspiration shows that I ended up a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. I will bookmark your site for a future read, and should you ever need it, there is plenty of information on this
site about shaker furniture wood working plans.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah Kay, you have a fantastic blog. Keep it up. I was just out blog surfing for detailed info on mlcs wood working when I found your page. Your Unexpected Inspiration is a little off base, but I am certainly glad I stopped by. If you wouldn't mind, I'd would like to post your link on my "favorites" page for future reading and reference. Should you ever need information on mlcs wood working then drop by and check it out.


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