Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Fish Out of Water!

It's that time of year again. THE AMAZING RACE! Always a dream for Nate & I. This year it's a litte bittersweet for two reasons: First, the manic travel and bizarre tasks are a little more like our daily life than in past years when it was pure escapism. Second, I'm realizing just how hard it's going to be to get 'in shape' like I'd like to be for the show. This past year has been a difficult struggle with fibromyalgia & exercise. At the same time it's made me even more motivated & I've borrowed some inspiration from Zev an Amazing Race player with Asperger's Syndrome who's already making an awesome impact on the world.

Back in the pool this week. Third swim since panic attack. First real workout. Learning to stretch my back out helps. The water is the one thing that can truly help with the pain. Tonight I'm going to sleep VERY well. Got a great tip from a swim coach friend for a personalized workout. According to their time trial I'm definitely a beginner. Oh well it's good to have goals.

1 comment:

alcon travatan said...

Much thanks to you for giving such significant information.Thank you for taking the time to explain this.


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