Thursday, March 23, 2006


Sophia has a real grown-up belly button now! That's right her last real connection to me and her time in the womb simply fell out this afternoon. No fan fare, no great annoucement. Just my little girl growing-up.

Last-night Nate and I had an errand to run and I was almost giddy just to get out of the house. Sophia was asleep and Nate indulged me, we grabbed some ice cream and found a scenic overlook. It was simple, simply wonderful. Just some stolen bits of conversation, a few old memories, and just like that I was in love with husband all over again. The best part of life right now is discovering balance, a walk with my husband and a smile from my little girl. The fact that I get to have both in my life at the same time, well that reality still overwhelms me.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I love this post. The second sentence is my favorite. It's the best- what a great sentence.


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