Ow! Ow! Ow! Let go. Let go please!
Once upon a time I had the misguided impression that a women's hair was her crowning glory. Long, short, curly, straight, blond, brunette, blue it didn't matter it was was her's to style in keeping with her identity.
Recently I've discovered that was just another pre-baby fantasy.
Hair, in actuality is a handle. Created specifically for little ones to steady themselves or more importantly gain your complete attention-instantly. Sophia it seems is loving her new found power. This was never more obvious than on Saturday having a chance to shower and spend a little time on myself (usually one or the other-rarely both.) Even having a new dress to go out in I felt lovely and completely "unmommy like." That was until I tried to walk out the door-past Nate who was holding my little angel.
Ow! Ow! Ow! I cried out in alarm-stumbling backwards into the house.
Stealthfully Sophia decided to remind me of my mommyhood and had stuck her little hand into my curly hair at the exact moment I walked past the door. In and of itself this wouldn't seem so premeditated had she not also latched on with surprising quickness and a vice-like grip.
Now I know the real reason mom's either cut their hair or wear it up 24-7. And here I just thought it was b/c we didn't have time to shower. Handles. . . you heard it here first.